Our Story
the mission
The truth is we are obsessed with the results and the instant gratification of shaving! By adding Jill into your beauty routine you will instantly see a difference and want to tell everyone about your newly discovered beauty hack! Here’s a little about how Jill came to life.
We believe in educating women on the ins and outs of shaving and the benefits that come with it because we know you will feel so confident in adding this step into your routine that you will start showing up BIGGER in life. The way you deserve! You will empower those around you because you will glow… inside and out and we can’t wait to see it come to life!
We promise to spread good vibes and positivity, lead a mission-based company focused on empowerment, community, authenticity, and celebrating the wins of women all around us.

the woman who started this thing
Our Founder, Meagan Carboney is an avid face shaver and has been for years. As a Beauty Influencer she quickly discovered how much she loved shaving and how much it improved her skincare and makeup application.
Meagan started doing regular online tutorials about face shaving and would educate on all the benefits and best practices of female face shaving. She was excited to learn how many women were already face shavers themselves but loved that she was also inspiring new women to start shaving too! Meagan found herself always needing new razors and never satisfied with the quality or the options out there and constantly throwing away razor after razor felt incredibly wasteful.
There was a definite need for an innovative design catered specifically for a woman's face that was more environmentally responsible and convenient. We are proud to be the first to educate women on all the benefits of shaving but also the proper shave process! And so the Jill story began.
Get to know Meagan Here