The Jill Method
An easy 3-step process that will help you get a perfect shave every-time.
1. Cleanse and Apply Pre-Shave
Let’s get started with the most important step of the shave process: SKIN PREP! Prepping your skin properly before you shave is going to help make sure you achieve all the radiant short term and long term benefits from shaving. There are 3 things you must do before you shave. We call them the 3 C’s!

There are 3 things you must
do before you shave.
We call them the 3 C’s!
1.Clean Face
2.Clean Hands
3.Clean(New) Blades
Cleanse your face with a mild foaming cleanser —
make sure this doesn’t have any active ingredients, using a mild foaming cleanser will clean the skin of any impurities or bacteria before you shave. You will also want to make sure your hands are clean of bacteria as well! (no touching your phone once they are clean!) Lastly, make sure you are shaving with new, clean blades each time you shave! We got you covered here too! Make sure you are subscribed to receive new blades monthly. click here
Once you’ve cleansed your face and your hands its time to apply your facial oil
and get ready for the shave process!
Swipe the Magic Wipe on all the areas of the face you plan to shave.
We made a natural, clean, pre-shave product
that won't break you out. Simply swipe to apply
a thin layer of oil. You don't want your face
drenched in oil, but enough to cover the skin allowing the blade to glide gently on the skin and
prevent any irritation.
Get the Wipes(a Jill Club exclusive) Now!
You also want to have
control in pulling the skin taut once you start
shaving, and too much oil will make that a little
tough! If you do need more oil, you can squeeze
the wipe or simply add more pressure.