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If I Shave my Face Will it Grow Back Thicker: Myths and Facts

BYBy Meagan Carboney
Published: August, 2022
Myth #1: Facial Hair will Grow Back Thicker and Darker
Myth #2: Shaving Face Makes Female Skin Rough
Myth #3: The Shaving Direction doesn't Matter
Myth #4: Shaving Cream and Soap Work the Same
Myth #5: Laser is the Best Way to Remove Facial Hair
When women hear about face shaving, this question often lingers in their minds: If I shave my face will it grow back thicker? This myth subconsciously occupies a space inside every woman's head. It gets hard sometimes to throw light on facts and bury the myths. Shaving is a savior, but myths stop them from coming near it. Myth bubbles will keep floating until they burst. It's time to debunk some of them!
In this guide, we will break all the myths with the help of scientific facts and invite more women to get comfortable with face shaving.
Myth #1: Facial Hair will Grow Back Thicker and Darker
If you shave your face, does it grow back thicker? It is the most popular question about face shaving. The myth challenges how hair grows back after shaving. This keeps many women out of the place where other face-shaving women are flaunting their glow and confidence.
Dr. Schultz, an NYC dermatologist, breaks the illusion and says, "The myth exists because people mistake the wispy feeling of their unshaven facial hair with the slightly blunt feeling they experience as their hair starts to grow back in as 'thicker,' and the new, not-yet-sun-bleached hair as 'darker.'
Fact about Myth #1
Genetics and hormones have a massive role in determining color, thickness, and rate of hair growth. Shaving only trims the hair on the skin's surface; thus, it has nothing to do with the hair follicles beneath the skin from where the actual growth starts. When the hair regrows back, the coarser yet unexposed tip leaves an impression of increased thickness and darkness.
Myth #2: Shaving Face Makes Female Skin Rough
People often link shaving with rough skin, but it's not the truth. The unshaven hair feels soft due to the tapered ends. When a razor runs through the face, it slices off those tapered ends. Healthline mentions when the hairs sprout back from the follicles, the coarser hair comes out first. If the hair gets enough window, it will grow back the same way.
Fact about Myth #2
Shaving exfoliates the skin, overshadowed by the dead skin cells(dulling layer). Dr. David Kim, a dermatologist at Union Square Dermatology, explains how shaving off the vellus hair leaves the skin smooth and radiant.
Skincare products find an easy way to penetrate the skin and give better skin care results. Skin also feels rejuvenated due to increased blood flow and collagen production.
Myth #3: The Shaving Direction doesn't Matter
It matters. To prevent nicks and cuts, shaving in the right direction is vital. Shaving against the grain gives a closer shave, but it often leads to razor burns, ingrown hairs, and nicks.
Fact about Myth #3
Shaving with grain removes the hair without any nicks and cuts. It protects the skin from razor bumps, burns, and irritations. Women can flaunt their soft glowy skin if they shave the right way.
Myth #4: Shaving Cream and Soap Work the Same
Face preparation is the first step in the shaving process. People often take soap water as an option to prep their skin for a smooth shaving experience. It's a myth as the soap water doesn't qualify as an excellent option to proceed.
Fact about Myth #4
Razor needs a smooth surface to glide. Shaving cream or oil preps the skin for a smooth experience. They also lock the moisture and prevent skin from appearing dry or flaky. Soap water, though, allows the razor to glide, but it leaves the skin dry aftershave.
Myth #5: Laser is the Best Way to Remove Facial Hair
The laser may be the best hair removal treatment, but on the offside, the results are never guaranteed. It also carries the chance of potential side effects that are usually short-term. It requires sessions after sessions and precautions and burdens the wallet.
Fact about Myth #5
Laser treatment is effective but not everywhere one wishes. Facial peach fuzz is one area where laser treatment cannot give its best shot. The pigment-less nature of the peach fuzz(vellus hair) unables the laser from targeting those tiny hairs. While shaving is an effective way to get instant results with vellus hair.
Myth #6: Facial Hair will Grow Back Faster
This is not true and has been disapproved by scientists. It concludes shaving does not affect the rate of hair growth and thickness.
Fact about Myth #6
It takes one month for the body hair to reach its full length. The growth journey of the hair starts in the hair follicles. Shaving slices off the hair on the skin surface, growing from the hair follicles beneath the skin. The hair beneath the skin remains untouched; thus, a shaving razor can't affect the rate of hair growth.
Shaving is a cost-effective, trouble-free, painless hair removal method, but still, it is considered taboo. Most celebrities flaunting their skin on the internet shave their peach fuzz and look absolutely gorgeous. Marilyn Monroe is one among the face-shaving queens who swear by it.
Women's face shaving is entirely normal, and the hair doesn't grow back thicker or darker. Let's drop this misconception and move forward to bring a revolution. It's time to normalize women's face shaving and empower them to opt for the zone they feel most comfortable in. After all, self-care is more important than what people think.